Peptide Therapy
Naples Longevity Clinic
Board Certified Internal Medicine located in Bonita Springs, FL
Peptide therapy is a state-of-the-art regenerative medicine approach that employs the use of specific amino acids to help heal the body and reverse signs of aging. These amino acid sequences communicate with different parts of the body to enhance your overall function. Tareq Khader, MD, and the team at Naples Longevity Clinic expertly administer this therapy to help you recover and feel your best. To learn more about peptide therapy, call the office in Bonita Springs, Florida, or request an appointment online today.
What is peptide therapy?
A peptide consists of a chain or sequence of amino acids that act similarly to a small protein. These amino acids play an essential role in the body by acting as signaling molecules that are capable of modulating cellular function.
Peptides can be administered via an injection just under the skin. Peptide therapy is also available in the form of creams, oral tablets, and nasal sprays.
These therapies work to encourage your cells to produce certain factors, like growth hormones, that boost your energy and immunity. These effects can lead to an overall improved state of health.
How can I benefit from peptide therapy?
Dr. Khader customizes your peptide therapy to address specific issues you may be dealing with. The following benefits are often seen following a course of peptide therapy:
- Improved memory and clarity of thought
- Accelerated wound healing
- Reduced body fat and improved muscle tone
- Increased libido
- Fuller hair and healthier nails
- Reduced joint and muscle pain
- Lower cholesterol levels
- Improved bone density levels
Peptide therapy can also enhance your sleep, energy levels, and stamina, making you feel younger and more alert.
Who is a candidate for peptide therapy?
People who are discouraged by the signs of aging can benefit from peptide therapy. You can feel youthful and more like yourself following treatment with peptides.
If you have specific health conditions, such as thyroid issues or a sports injury, peptide therapy may be appropriate. Discuss your symptoms with Dr. Khader to determine if peptide therapy is the right course of treatment.
Several formulations of peptides are available, including GHRP-2, GHRP-6, and Sermorelin. Each type works slightly differently to balance your hormones and slow the aging process. Dr. Khader can determine which formulations are right for your health needs and goals.
Peptide therapy is a safe and effective treatment that has minimal side effects. Because your body already produces amino acids, the treatment is very well tolerated.
To find out if peptide therapy is right for you, call Naples Longevity Clinic or request an appointment online today.